Total Number of Species Recorded in 2011

2010 saw a total of 196 species recorded in Bedfordshire. Of this total, LGRE recorded 183, closely followed by Jim Gurney and Steve Blain on 181, Lol Carman on 180, Martin Palmer on 179 and Bob Chalkley on 177.

In 2011, a total of 452 species was recorded in Britain and Ireland of which I recorded just 69% (312); Bedfordshire recorded 204 species (of which I saw 94% at 191), Hertfordshire 192 (of which I saw 88.5% at 170) and Buckinghamshire 192 (of which I recorded just 86% at 165)

In 2012, I came fourth (on 168), following Steve Blain (177), Jim Gurney (174) and Martin Plamer (171).

Wednesday 25 April 2012

All happened at BROOM early afternoon

After such a disastrous lunchtime birding excursion and news of Mark
Ward's substantially better late lunch, I decided to take some leave and
hit Broom again. Walking up to the main lake, the first bird I saw was
particularly bright - Sandwich Tern! Then turning to the smaller terns,
I'd say there were at least 35-40 Arctics and maybe twenty Commons.
Over the next ten minutes my peak estimate of Arctics was 55. I noticed
the Sandwich was then perched on the Peacocks boon so attempted some
photography. Don't hold your breath.

I was then joined by John Dingemans. Ten minutes later, there seems to
be fewer terns, maybe 30 in total, but then they increased to over 50
again including at least 30 Arctics. Sandwich seen in flight around
2.30 but not again. A small wader headed towards us low over the water
- Sanderling! It veered right and gained height heading towards Gypsy
Lane East but gaining height so perhaps did not land there but worth a
look. Returning to the road and MJP we counted around 50 terns so
numbers changing all the time. Two Swifts over - first time I can
remember seeing Swift before House Martin...

Richard Bashford

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